Thank you for coming to see us! From A for arrival to Z for “Ten to 25” (the unbeatable offer for young people), we have compiled all the important information for you here and answered the most important questions about attending a concert.Any questions?
We welcome all those who are coming to the Alte Oper for the first time - even and especially if they are not yet familiar with attending a concert. Here are a few tips and information to help you find your way around.
- From the beginning on: What is the best way to get and to stay informed about events at the Alte Oper?
- What does "Eigenveranstaltung der Alten Oper", “Alte Oper's own event”, actually mean?
- How do I get to the Alte Oper Frankfurt?
- When can I enter the house?
- And if I'm late?
- Do I actually have to dress up?
- Going to a concert with luggage - a problem?
- Am I allowed to record image or sound during the concert?
- What range of culinary options are available during concerts intermissions?
- From what age is it possible to attend events at the Alte Oper?
- Beispiel 1