Sun 12 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sun 12 Jan 2025 18:00 Großer Saal


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1822-Neujahrskonzert © Alte Oper Frankfurt/Salar Baygan


Junge Deutsche Philharmonie
Delyana Lazarova
Kebyart Ensemble


Aaron Copland
Fanfare for the Common Man
George Gershwin
Catfish Row. Sinfonische Suite aus "Porgy and Bess"
William Bolcom
Concerto Grosso für Saxofonquartett und Orchester
Leonard Bernstein
Ouvertüre zu "Candide"
Daniel Schnyder
Konzert für Orchester

At the 1822 New Year's Concert, the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie presented a fast-paced and swinging programme - without sacrificing the required festivity. And so Aaron Copland's ‘Fanfare for the Common Man’ opens a colourful programme that tells of the enviable nonchalance and coolness with which the camps of serious and popular music are effortlessly brought together on the other side of the Atlantic. The Junge Deutsche Philharmonie dedicates itself to well-known melodies from Gershwin's ‘Porgy and Bess’, it sweeps through the thematic worlds of Bernstein's operetta ‘Candide’, and in William Bolcom's Concerto Grosso it allows four saxophones to enter into a lively dialogue with the large orchestra. The programme concludes with a commissioned work for the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie, which will be premiered: Swiss composer Daniel Schnyder's ‘Concerto for Orchestra’ combines different worlds from classical music to jazz, Latin music, funk music and R&B to create a rousing complete work.

Alte Oper Frankfurt
This event is available as a subscription series at a discounted price: Youth Subscription, Selective Subscription