Sat 08 Feb
Sat 08 Feb
Sat 08 Feb 2025 19:00 Großer Saal

Hagen Rether

From 46,00 €
61,00 | 56,00 | 51,00 | 46,00
Hagen Rether
Hagen Rether © Klaus Reinelt

Much is touched on, hinted at, left in the air when Hagen Rether shares his musings on the state of the nation with his audience. Of course, you shouldn't be fooled by the charming chatty tone, as there is always the danger that the astute observations and associations don't just affect ‘those up there’, but also yourself. In any case, fans of Hagen Rether's cabaret art know that humour can also be quite painful. And that the laughs can sometimes get stuck in your throat with his equally polished and casual observations. And that you shouldn't believe that the programme title ‘Love’, which has remained the same for many years on stage, refers in the slightest to unconditional harmony and warmth of heart.

Astrid Hennig Promotion in Kooperation mit der Alten Oper Frankfurt

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From 46,00 €